A big thank you to the Bureau of Indian Affairs NWR Division of Transportation for hosting a successful Tribal Transportation Symposium in Spokane, WA!
It was an incredible opportunity to collaborate with tribal transportation professionals and advocates, discussing innovative strategies to improve tribal traffic #safety, #accessibility, and #equity.
Highlights of the Symposium:
It was a pleasure to present alongside Portia Shields from Yakama Nation DNR Engineering, where we provided updates on our intersection safety project and shared grant application techniques, inspired by the Yakama Nation's recent U.S. Department of Transportation SMART grant award.
It’s inspiring to witness more tribes gaining awareness of funding opportunities and learning effective strategies to apply for them.
Special thanks to the Federal Highway Administration representatives for their presentations on available grants and resources for tribes.
This event was also a wonderful chance to reconnect with old friends and form new partnerships. We look forward to continuing this important work to drive positive change in tribal transportation systems!
Graysen Squeochs, PE, Mary Beth Clark, Dwayne Valentine, HollyAnna DeCoteau LittleBull, Jeremy Doze, Andrew Strobel, Chu Wei, P.E., Lonny Macy, Morgan Malley-Manning, Elliott Moore, Yinhai Wang, Margo Hill, Ollie Wiesner, Mehrdad Nasri, NW Tribal Technical Assistance Program (NW TTAP) Center, Arlando Teller, Trinette Ballard, Rachael Sack, Wei Zhang, Melissa Wong, AIWaysion, U.S. DOT Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, USDOT Research and Technology