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AIWaysion Receives USDOT Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR Phase-1) Award!

AIWaysion's "Edge Computing and Sensor Fusion System for Comprehensive Monitoring of Traffic and Road Conditions," has been recommended for award by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR Phase-I) 2023!

Check out the USDOT SBIR (Phase-1) award here:

In collaboration with the Federal Highway Administration, this project reflects ongoing efforts to improve the efficiency and accuracy of analyzing transportation data using Edge Computing technologies, and sensor fusion to collect and analyze data transportation data from a variety of sources. Moreover, this project supports product development and creating fresh, new system upgrades necessary to design a more comprehensive picture of traffic and road conditions, enhance traffic data collection, and save lives.

We’re honored and grateful for the opportunity to work on this project, and excited to see what’s beyond the horizon!

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